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Wholly owned projects: 

The total amount invested is (170 millions U.S. $), distributed for five projects, out of which one is under progress. These projects are engaged in the breeding, fattening of lambs and calves, broiler parents and grand parents, animal & poultry concentrated fled, hatching eggs, broiler chicks, table eggs, green fodder, vegetables.

Project for Fattening Lambs and Calves and breeding of  Sheep - Al-Kamishly - Syrian Arab Republic.

Utilized area is (26,000 donums for crops production).
Fattening of (60,000 Lambs).
Fattening of (4,000 Calves).
Breeding of (10,000 Sheep).
Broiler of (200 Thousands).
Capital Invested: (18 millions U.S.$)

The Feel Mill Plant- Khartoum Sudan

Capital invested: (20 millions U.S. $)
Capacity: (150,000 tons annually)
Producing several kinds of animal & poultry feeds

Broiler Grand Parents & Parents of Broiler Chicks: Al-Azrak Jordan

First project of its nature in the region as a strategic link in poultry industry.​
Invested capital: (40 millions U.S. $).
Annual Production Capacity: (2 millions parent chicks, 20 millions hatching broiler eggs).

Integrated Poultry Production: Khartoum - Sudan

Invested Capital: (35 millions U.S. $)
Annual Capacity: (2 millions broiler, 25 millions table eggs).

Projects under Progress:

Broiler Grand Parent & Parents : Wadi Al-Natroon Egypt
Annual Capacity: (1 million Parent chick, 20 Millions Hatching eggs) - feed mill plant (5tons/hr) investment cost (50 millions U.S. $).

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